Apollo Mental health and Well-being CIC
Apollo Mental health and Well-being CICApollo Mental health and Well-being CICApollo Mental health and Well-being CICApollo Mental health and Well-being CIC
Apollo Mental Health and Well-Being is a community interest company committed to supporting civilians, veterans and families, through difficult life challenges. As a veteran, I understand the challenges that we all face. My therapist-led services include support coffee mornings, group sessions, and well-being activities, all aiming to foster a supportive community and facilitate healthy growth, change, and overall well-being.
Coffee mornings to promote a sense of community and support for one another. These help to form friendships and bonds helping members feel a part of a unit or family and encourage talking, sharing ideas and planning well-being activities.
Using skills from members to plan days out, activities and sports for those who wish to participate. Encouraging leadership and participation within the group. Being present to support one another.
Teaching families how to support each other and spend time together in a positive manner, in order to strengthen the family bond, encourage understanding and work with other families to create friendships and support for one another.
Working to include the Nepalese community in as many activities as possible . Nepalese interpreting and translated information to ensure inclusion for all.
I signpost additional services that I do not provide, but can still be of benefit to individuals and families. This includes housing, benefits, medical services and specific counselling services that I cannot provide within the organisation.
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